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The general trend of intelligent manufacturing has achieved remarkable results in China

With the rapid development of science and technology information, intelligence has become a familiar word. Intelligent products into thousands of households, at the same time, more and more enterprises in China are developing towards the direction of intelligent transformation. It is understood that last year, the Ministry of industry and Information Technology identified 46 intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration projects among many enterprises, covering 3D printing, cement intelligent manufacturing, optical fiber intelligent manufacturing, clothing personalized customization and other projects, in order to comprehensively promote the transformation of manufacturing industry to intelligent manufacturing.

Now it has been a year, how effective are these projects? Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of industry and information technology, gave a positive comment on this: "from the perspective of implementation effect, it has achieved very significant results. For these 46 projects, its manufacturing efficiency has been improved by 30%, its energy saving has been saved by 9.5%, and its R & D time has been shortened by 35% compared with the past, which has achieved very good results."

Intelligent manufacturing is a gradual process and an ultimate goal. Digitalization and networking are the basis of intellectualization, while intelligent manufacturing can only be realized on the basis of digitalization and networking. Although China's intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration projects have achieved remarkable results, there is still a long way to go. Miao Wei said: "our biggest weakness is still the process of our industrialization. There is a big difference. For example, Germany, a developed country, basically meets their standard of 3.0. If measured by this standard, many of our enterprises have not yet reached 2.0, so we need to make up for the lessons of 2.0, promote 3.0 and develop to 4.0. "

With the development of intelligent manufacturing, some specific technical problems appear. In the long run, this brings some new problems that are not found in the traditional way. For example, security issues, now a Trojan virus implanted into a terminal may bring a series of social impact, large-scale problems. The above problems exist objectively, and higher requirements are put forward in terms of security and other technologies. Although China is faced with inherent deficiencies in the process of promoting intelligent manufacturing, it also has its own unique advantages. "China is the largest manufacturing country in the world, and we are also a country with the largest Internet application. If we give full play to these two advantages, especially industrial enterprises and Internet enterprises, better integrate them together, it will make up for our shortcomings, turn disadvantages into advantages, and give full play to our existing advantages, so as to speed up our entire industrialization process."

At the same time, Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of industry and information technology, specially said that he would promote the effective production and management mode of Intelligent Manufacturing in the pilot demonstration in relevant industries, and further expand the scope of intelligent manufacturing demonstration, so as to promote the early occurrence of manufacturing industry reform. Boyun Suzhou software company also believes that the development road of Intelligent Manufacturing in China will be better and better.

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1. Production basic automation system layer mainly includes production field equipment and its control system. The production field equipment mainly includes sensors, intelligent instruments, PLC, robots, machine tools, detection equipment, logistics equipment, etc. The control system includes process control system for process manufacturing, unit control system for discrete manufacturing and data acquisition and monitoring system for motion control.
2. Manufacturing execution system layer manufacturing execution system includes different sub-system function modules (computer software module). Typical subsystems include manufacturing data management system, planning and scheduling management system, production scheduling management system, inventory management system, quality management system, human resource management system, equipment management system, tool and tooling management system, procurement management system Cost management system, project Kanban management system, production process control system, bottom data integration and analysis system, upper data integration and decomposition system, etc.
3. Product lifecycle management system layer product lifecycle management system layer can be divided into three parts: R & D design, production and service. The functions of R & D design link mainly include product design, process simulation and production simulation. Simulation and field application can feed back product design and promote design improvement. Digital product prototype generated in R & D design is one of the input elements of production. The production link covers the above-mentioned production basic automation system layer and manufacturing execution system layer. The main functions of the service link through the network are real-time monitoring, remote diagnosis and remote maintenance. Big data is used to analyze the monitoring data, form service related decisions, and guide diagnosis and maintenance. New service records will be collected into the data system.
4. Enterprise control and support system layer enterprise control and support system includes different subsystem function modules. Typical subsystems are: strategic management, investment management, financial management, human resource management, asset management, material management, sales management, health, safety and environmental protection management.
5. Enterprise computing and data center layer mainly includes network, data center equipment, data storage and management system, application software. It provides computing resources, data services and specific application functions for enterprises to realize intelligent manufacturing, and can provide visual application interface.
For example, the user oriented e-commerce platform for identifying user needs, the product R & D and design platform, the operation platform of manufacturing execution system and the service platform need to be based on the enterprise computing and data center, which can realize the interaction and orderly work of various types of application software, and realize the information sharing of the whole system.

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